Friday, March 30, 2012

Have a GLAMOUROUS Weekend

'In like a Lion, out like a Lamb.
In like a Lamb, out like a Lion.'

There is a lot to be said for this reminder from Mother Nature.

We have had a gloriously mild month with temperatures unlike any other March before. Mother Nature is reminding us that it may have been the First Official Day of Spring on March 20th, but Old Man Winter still has his coat out.

And although it wasn't cruel enough to play ice hockey on the lake today, it was a blustery day in the neighbourhood.

Enjoy the weekend with those who make you happy.

Ladies Ice Hockey Team, Minneapolis 1925.


  1. Trying to decide if March is being lion-ish or lamb-ish here in Niagara on the Lake. Yes, we had snow yesterday, but this morning it's all melting away...and 13 degrees predicted for tomorrow...methinks more lamb than lion!

  2. Hi Katherine! I plan to have a weekend spent indoors because of rain, but I love rain when it comes.

    I loved your beautiful walk that you took us on in your previous post. You live in the most amazing place in this world and I loved every photo and description of it. How blessed you are!!!
    Thank you for your sweet note. You are such a good friend and I am so thankful to have met you here on your beautiful blog.

    sending many hugs your way...


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